So, How Much ISK Do You Save?
If you would usually set up a persistent sell order via a Brave controlled market then this tool will save you between 5.25% and 8.25%:
- Usually you would pay 2.25% and 5% in Transaction Tax when your item sells
- You would also pay 3% in Broker Fees (which goes to the allliance)
Or, if you would have sold immediately via a Brave Controlled Market at whatever price was available then this tool will enable you to get the price you want for your items and saves you 2.25% to 5% in Transaction tax.
As you can see selling your items via this tool can save you a significant amount of ISK, even when you choose to contribute a small part of the value of what you sell to Brave Holdings.
Please Note: Transaction Tax has been halved for 3 months and Broker Fees have been reduced at NPC stations. Brave's Broker Fees at remain the same and you still make a large saving using this tool vs Brave's markets, even when making a contribution to Brave Holdings.