About This Tool

As it's name suggests the Alliance Friendly Appraisal Tool is a away to get quotes for things you want to sell outside of Brave's markets. It allows you to voluntarily contribute a very small portion of the isk you make to Brave Holdings while still saving a lot of isk by avoiding selling via our markets.

This is a feature rich appraisal tool like no other. It gives you more features and options to enable you flexibility in how you price your items, to maximise your results and stand out in the #marketplace channel while reducing the wall of text in the channel.

All appraisals are provided by Evepraisal, by far the most popular appraisal tool in Eve.
Did You Know:
Our members have traded up to Trillions of isk outside of our markets every month.
The alliance has missed out in over a Trillion in market fees annually due to this.
The more expensive something is, the less likely it is to be sold via our markets.
Market Tax is one of the alliance's biggest income sources.
Wholesale Tax Avoidance is bad for the alliance and it's members.

This tool lets you save a ton of isk while still contributing to the Alliance.
So, How Much ISK Do You Save?

If you would usually set up a persistent sell order via a Brave controlled market then this tool will save you between 5.25% and 8.25%:
  • Usually you would pay 2.25% and 5% in Transaction Tax when your item sells
  • You would also pay 3% in Broker Fees (which goes to the allliance)
Or, if you would have sold immediately via a Brave Controlled Market at whatever price was available then this tool will enable you to get the price you want for your items and saves you 2.25% to 5% in Transaction tax.

As you can see selling your items via this tool can save you a significant amount of ISK, even when you choose to contribute a small part of the value of what you sell to Brave Holdings.

Please Note: Transaction Tax has been halved for 3 months and Broker Fees have been reduced at NPC stations. Brave's Broker Fees at remain the same and you still make a large saving using this tool vs Brave's markets, even when making a contribution to Brave Holdings.
Current Features:
  • Get prices from all the major Eve trade hubs, base your prices on Buy, Sell or Split  price..
  • Choose what percentage of the trade hub price you would like, from 50% to 150%.
  • Specify the system where your items are located.
  • Potential buyers can see who produced a quote.
  • Potential buyers can all of your other live quotes. [NEW]
  • Add a title / category to your quote to make it stand out and make it easier to keep track of.
  • See your last 30 days worth of quotes, no need to keep a list of URLs.
  • Select whether to sell the full order, full quantity of any item, or any quantity of any item.
  • Choose entirely custom pricing where you specify the price of each item. [NEW]
  • Edit your Quote's remaining quantities, prices or mark it as sold. [NEW]
  • Alliance Friendly Quote image added to your preview if you choose to contribute to the alliance. [NEW]
  • Choose who can view your quote, anyone, alliance only or corp only. [NEW]
Requires you to be logged in as an alliance member to access this feature.
Requires you to be logged in as an alliance member when you produce a quote
Need Help or Have Suggestions?

The #incredible-dev channel in Brave Collective slack is where you can get help, find out what we're working on next, report a problem, or make suggestions for things to be added to this tool.
Features Coming Soon:
  • Multi-Quote: Several quotes categorised and combined into a single link.
  • Item Quick Search: See if an item you want has been included in recent quotes.
  • Abyssal Price Retrieval: Include Abyssal modules in your quotes.
©2023 Incredible. Code by Sadism Evolved. Quotes are retrieved from using Evepraisal API.
All Eve Online related materials are Property of CCP Games. This site does not collect or store any personal information.
Version 3.0

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